Women’s Book Study
Every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30 the women of Pillar 29 meet to study together to deepen our understanding of the doctrines of our faith. This spring, we are studying “Knowing Scripture,” by R.C. Sproul. It shares with us principles of Biblical interpretation, which we hope to use to enrich our study of the Bible.
Home Group
During our weekly home group gatherings, we meet in someone’s home for a time of food, fellowship, singing, scripture, and prayer. It’s a wonderful time and is always a blessing–and we try to wrap up by 7:30. Join us!
Men’s Book Study
This spring the men are gathering at 09:00 every Sunday morning (an hour before worship begins) to think about how we worship God as we study “Does God Care How We Worship?” by Ligon Duncan. We hope to gain a deeper appreciation for what the Bible has to say about worship so we can glorify […]
During our weekly worship service we sing together, offer prayers, hear Scripture read and preached, and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Congregational singing emphasizes the gathered body of believers singing praise to God with one voice. The music we sing at Pillar Church is a blend of old and new. Most of us who are comfortable […]
Women’s Book Study
Every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30 the women of Pillar 29 meet to study together to deepen our understanding of the doctrines of our faith. This spring, we are studying “Knowing Scripture,” by R.C. Sproul. It shares with us principles of Biblical interpretation, which we hope to use to enrich our study of the Bible.
Home Group
During our weekly home group gatherings, we meet in someone’s home for a time of food, fellowship, singing, scripture, and prayer. It’s a wonderful time and is always a blessing–and we try to wrap up by 7:30. Join us!
During our weekly worship service we sing together, offer prayers, hear Scripture read and preached, and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Congregational singing emphasizes the gathered body of believers singing praise to God with one voice. The music we sing at Pillar Church is a blend of old and new. Most of us who are comfortable […]
Women’s Book Study
Every Wednesday from 11:30-12:30 the women of Pillar 29 meet to study together to deepen our understanding of the doctrines of our faith. This spring, we are studying “Knowing Scripture,” by R.C. Sproul. It shares with us principles of Biblical interpretation, which we hope to use to enrich our study of the Bible.
Home Group
During our weekly home group gatherings, we meet in someone’s home for a time of food, fellowship, singing, scripture, and prayer. It’s a wonderful time and is always a blessing–and we try to wrap up by 7:30. Join us!
During our weekly worship service we sing together, offer prayers, hear Scripture read and preached, and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Congregational singing emphasizes the gathered body of believers singing praise to God with one voice. The music we sing at Pillar Church is a blend of old and new. Most of us who are comfortable […]